The newest club at our school is called STAND. This club is an anti-bullying club which seeks to educate students about the dangers of bullying and to help students who are or have experienced bullying "stand" up for their rights. STAND's most recent activity provided the entire student body with sticky notes which students could use to write positive messages to give to others. Many of the sticky notes ended up on a wall at the front of the school.
Which is the best concluding sentence for this paragraph?
A) In addition to bullying, schools also suffer from many other problems like students being disrespectful and talking back to teachers.
B) School buses are one location in which bullying often occurs though it can be somewhat prevented through the use of video cameras.
C) With other activities planned for the future, STAND is hoping to create more positivity at school and make bullying less likely.
D) The principal has been very supportive of STAND because she wants to expand the number of clubs available to students.