Respuesta :
See explaination for the details
#Starting point for code/programm
la $a0,newLine #Print a new line
li $v0,4
# Find the number of occurence of a string in the given sentence
la $a0,prompt1 # Prompt the user to enter the first string.
li $v0,4
li $v0, 8 # Service 8 = read input string
la $a0, fword
li $a1, 9
la $a0,prompt2 # Prompt the user to enter the second string.
li $v0,4
li $v0, 8 # Service 8 = read input string
la $a0, sword
li $a1, 9
# process first word
li $t4,0 # Intialize the couter to 0
la $t0,sstatement # Store the statement into $t0
nstart1: la $t1,fword # Store the search word into $t1
loop1: # loop1 finds the number of occurences
# of input word in the given statment
lb $t2,($t0) # Load the starting address(character) of
# sstatement into $t2
lb $t3,($t1) # Load the starting address of input word
# into $t3
beq $t3,'\n',inc_counter1
beqz $t3,inc_counter1 # If $t3 is null , exit loop and print output
beqz $t2,print_output1 # If $t2 is null , exit loop and print output
move $a0,$t2 # Convert $t2 to lower, if it is upper case
jal convert2lower
move $t2,$v0 # Store the return($v0) value into $t2
move $a0,$t3 # Convert $t3 to lower, if it is upper case
jal convert2lower
move $t3,$v0 # Store the return($v0) value into $t3
bne $t2,$t3,next_char1 # If both characters are not matched current
# character in the string, go to next character
addiu $t0,$t0,1 # otherwise, increment both indexes
addiu $t1,$t1,1
j loop1 # go to starting of the loop
la $t5,fword
bne $t5,$t1,nstart1
la $t1,fword # Store the input word into $t1
addiu $t0,$t0,1 # Increment the index to goto next character
j loop1 # go to starting of the loop
addi $t4,$t4,1 # Increment the frequency counter by 1
la $t1,fword # Store input word into $t1
j loop1 # go to starting of the loop
la $t0,fword
lb $a0,($t0)
beq $a0,'\n',exL1
jal convert2upper
move $a0,$v0
li $v0,11
addiu $t0,$t0,1
j L1
la $a0,colon
li $v0,4
la $a0, dash
li $v0, 4
move $a0,$t4
li $v0,1
syscall # print new line
la $a0,newLine
li $v0,4
# process second word
li $t4,0 # Intialize the couter to 0
la $t0,sstatement # Store the statement into $t0
nstart2: la $t1,sword # Store the search word into $t1
loop2: # loop1 finds the number of occurences
# of input word in the given statment
lb $t2,($t0) # Load the starting address(character) of
# sstatement into $t2
lb $t3,($t1) # Load the starting address of input word
# into $t3
beq $t3,'\n',inc_counter2
beqz $t3,inc_counter2 # If $t3 is null , exit loop and print output
beqz $t2,print_output2 # If $t2 is null , exit loop and print output
move $a0,$t2 # Convert $t2 to lower, if it is upper case
jal convert2lower
move $t2,$v0 # Store the return($v0) value into $t2
move $a0,$t3 # Convert $t3 to lower, if it is upper case
jal convert2lower
move $t3,$v0 # Store the return($v0) value into $t3
bne $t2,$t3,next_char2 # If both characters are not matched current
# character in the string, go to next character
addiu $t0,$t0,1 # otherwise, increment both indexes
addiu $t1,$t1,1
j loop2 # go to starting of the loop
la $t5,sword
bne $t5,$t1,nstart2
la $t1,sword # Store the input word into $t1
addiu $t0,$t0,1 # Increment the index to goto next character
j loop2 # go to starting of the loop
addi $t4,$t4,1 # Increment the frequency counter by 1
la $t1,sword # Store input word into $t1
j loop2 # go to starting of the loop
la $t0,sword
lb $a0,($t0)
beq $a0,'\n',exL2
jal convert2upper
move $a0,$v0
li $v0,11
addiu $t0,$t0,1
j L2
la $a0,colon
li $v0,4
la $a0, dash2
li $v0, 4
move $a0,$t4
li $v0,1
# Otherwise, end the program
li $v0, 10 # Service 10 = exit or end program
############################ subroutine - convert2lower #################################
convert2lower: # Converts a character(stored in $a0) to
# its lower case, if it is upper case
# and store the result(lower case) in $v0
move $v0,$a0
blt $a0,'A',return
bgt $a0,'Z',return
subi $v0,$a0,-32
return: jr $ra # Return the converted(lower case) character
############################## subroutine - convert2upper ##################################
convert2upper: # Converts a character(stored in $a0) to
# its upper case, if it is lower case
# and store the result(upper case) in $v0
move $v0,$a0
blt $a0,'a',return2
bgt $a0,'z',return2
addiu $v0,$a0,-32
return2: jr $ra # Return the converted(lower case) character