Challenge: Tic-Tac-Toe (Report a problem) Detecting mouse clicks For this step of the challenge you will complete Tile's handleMouseClick method. The handleMouseClick method has two parameters: x and y which represent the coordinates of where the user clicked the mouse. When a user clicks inside a tile, that tile's handleMouseClick method should call that tile's onClick method. To check if the mouse click is inside of the tile, you will need an if statement that checks if: - the mouse click is on, or right of, the left edge of the tile - the mouse click is on, or left of, the right edge of the tile - the mouse click is on, or below, the upper edge of the tile - the mouse click is on, or above, the lower edge of the tile

Respuesta :


var playerTurn;




var tiles = [];

var checkWin = function()

{    };

var Tile = function(x, y)


 this.x = x;

 this.y = y;

 this.size = width/NUM_COLS;

 this.label = "";


Tile.prototype.draw = function()


   fill(214, 247, 202);


   rect(this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size, 10);


   textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);

   fill(0, 0, 0);

   text(this.label, this.x+this.size/2, this.y+this.size/2);


Tile.prototype.empty = function()


   return this.label === "";


Tile.prototype.onClick = function()


   // If the tile is not empty, exit the function

   // Put the player's symbol on the tile

   // Change the turn


Tile.prototype.handleMouseClick = function(x, y)


   // Check for mouse clicks inside the tile


for (var i = 0; i < NUM_COLS; i++)


   for (var j = 0; j < NUM_ROWS; j++)


       tiles.push(new Tile(i * (width/NUM_COLS-1), j * (height/NUM_ROWS-1)));



var drawTiles = function()


   for (var i in tiles)





mouseReleased = function()


   for (var i in tiles)


       tiles[i].handleMouseClick(mouseX, mouseY);



draw = function()


   background(143, 143, 143);


