A consumer products company wants more creativity in its research and development operations. The company has spent large amounts of money on creativity training sessions that have helped somewhat, but the VP of research and development believes that the fundamental work environment must be altered to foster more creativity.
Describe three conditions (other than training) that this organization should establish to increase the level of creativity in its research and development operations. Briefly explain how each condition might improve creativity.

Respuesta :


• Diversify the workplace

• Use creativity- and mind-stimulating games

• Use (a) flexible workplace(s)


1. Diversify the workplace

Employees consisting of different types of people, in terms of age, social status, race, gender and ethnicity, can help boost creativity in the workplace. Different backgrounds and experiences from the members will allow for different ideas to flow among the team.  Differences will also make the team appreciate each other and make the entire team versatile.

2. Use creativity- and mind-stimulating games

Games that are open ended and not structured can help boost creativity. Each participant will have a different response which will allow more development and inventive ideas. Research can be done through guessing games that stimulate the mind or  artistic games such as acting scenes, etc.  

3. Use (a) flexible workplace(s)

Office space with air-conditioners and four walls may restrict the amount of creativity and result in the same, dull, exhausted ideas over time. To increase the level of creativity, the team should use different workplaces randomly for a change of scenery. One day spent at a park, the next day could be spent in a laboratory and the next could be spent in a library. Different environments can spark new, fresh ideas that can assist with research and development.  


Three conditions other than training  that this organization should establish to increase the level of creativity in its research and development operations is to:

1. Get new perspectives

2. Create a flexible workplace

3. Provide Incentives for employers


1. Get new perspectives: be open to new ideas, do not reject changes. Ask for a fresh perspective from your employees ans external professional source because that could be the game changer.

2. Create a flexible workplace: Allow your workers to explore remote work as well as regular office work. Try to switch up the work place mechanism a bit then reconvene to brainstorm about the experience.

3. Provide Incentives for employers: A little incentive such as a time out to play, reward for exceptional work and welfare packages every now and then can foster a kindred spirit among colleagues and stimulate creativity.