Respuesta :
Step 1 : For TFF with asynchronous reset, the verilog code is :
'timescale 1ns/100ps
module tff1( input t,clk,reset, output reg q );
if (reset ) begin
always at (posedge clk ) begin
q <= #4 not q;
end else begin
q <= 1'b0;
end module
Step 2 : For TFF with synchronous reset, just include reset condition inside always statement as shown :
always at(posedge clk ) begin
if ( reset ) then
q <= #4 not q;
end else begin
q <= 1,b0'
Step 3 : For developing a DFF from a TFF , you need to have a feedback loop from ouput to input . Make sure you assign the wires correctly including the signal direction . Combine both the input D and ouptut of TFF using XOR and input it to the T.
module dff (input d, clk , reset ,output reg q )
wire q;
reg t;
tff1 ( t, clk, reset , q ); //module instantiation
xor ( t,q,d);
end module
For synchronous reset , you can just replace the tff asynchronous module with synchronous module
Step 4 : For obtaining JK FF using the DFF , we just to config the 4x1 MUX such that the required output is generated
module JKFF ( input j,k ,clk, reset , output reg q)
DFF ( d ,clk, reset ,q )
reg d;
case (j,k)
when "00" then d <= q;
when "01" then d <= 1'b0;
when "10" then d <= 1'b1;
when "11" then d <= #4 not d;
default : d <= 1'bX;
end module;