Please don't cry. There's no crying in math.
Wheel 1: 1 2 3 4 Wheel 2: M A T H
Compound Outcomes: 1M 1A 1T 1H 2M 2A 2T 2H 3M 3A 3T 3H 4M 4A 4T 4H
A 1 on wheel 1 is one of four equally likely possibilities.
P(Wheel1=1) = 1/4
There's one T out of 4 letters on wheel 2.
P(Wheel2=T) = 1/4
Just going through our list of 16, I count 7 with a 1 or T, namely 1M 1A 1T 1H 2T 3T 4T. So
P(1 or T) = 7/16
There's only one way to get a 1 and a T out of the sixteen, namely 1T.
P(1 and T) = 1/16