On a backpacking trip, Kenny hikes all day at a steady pace, covering 30 kilometers and burning 4000 Calories. At the school track, Janelle runs the 100-meter sprint in 13.5 seconds, burning 10 Calories. Afterward, Janelle’s leg muscles are aching and she is breathing hard, while Kenny maintains normal breathing all day, even though he burns 400 times more calories than Janelle. Which two statements offer the BEST explanation for this phenomenon?

Respuesta :

Answer: Janelle accumulated lactic acid due to underventilation.

Kenny had optimal ventilation



Though the options were not given, however, the difference between Kenny and Janelle is in the way their bodies broke down glucose to produce the energy needed walk and sprint. Kenny body used aerobic glycolysis whilst Janelle body used anaerobic glycolysis


Glycolysis is the process by which the body breaks down glucose obtained from food to produce energy needed by the body to carry out its functions.

There are two types :

Aerobic glycolysis( which is the first step of aerobic respiration)

Anaerobic glycolysis ( which is the first step of anaerobic respiration)

During aerobic glycolysis, glucose in the body is broken down in the presence of oxygen in air into ATP which is in form of energy required by the body. The by-product of aerobic glycolysis is water and carbon dioxide.

Anaerobic glycolysis occurs when glucose is broken down in the absence of oxygen to produce lactic acid and ethanol

As Kenny hikes at a steady pace over 30 kilometres, his body requires a steady supply energy which is gotten from aerobic glycolysis . The longer he walks at a steady pace, the more glucose in his body is broken down steadily. Hence he burns a larger amount of calories.

To undergo a 100-metre sprint, Janelle body need a burst of energy to propel her body to move fast over a short distance. Despite breathing very hard, the oxygen is not enough for the amount of energy required for a sprint. Therefore her body results to anaerobic glycolysis to provide the extra burst of energy required.

The byproduct of anaerobic glycolysis is lactic acid which is responsible for the muscle aches she experiences afterwards.