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Book review.
I have read an interesting book. The name of the book is Matilda and its written by Roald published in the United states in 1998.
The book is about a genius little girl who lives with her parents and her older brother. But her parents treat her badly, like they don’t give her any attention like she is nothing more than a scab. The little girl was always left alone at home and she didn't have anything to do. When she was three years old, she had taught herself how to read by reading the newspapers and the magazine that lay around the house. At age five she starts school and there was a great teacher who love Matilda and all the children and headmaster who treats the children like an animal.
I really liked the book because it written an easy English and used a simple word and it had a good start, but I didn’t like it how the book ended. I would like if the ending was happy ending, because I like happy ending history. For me I don't really read this kind of books and I'm not regretting reading this book because by reading different books it gives me different idea and teaches me more. And I was exciting by reading the book. I would recommend this book to my friends because I want them to know what is happening in the world and I want them to think in different perspectives while they are living in this world. Because the book is talking about family, teachers, and children.