Rupert and cordelia own an american company that does business in foreign nations. getting a license in a new country can be challenging. as they try to enter into business in a new country, rupert fills out the license paperwork and takes it to the correct office. there he pays the front-desk person $100 to process the paperwork, as is the custom in that country. cordelia, who has connections in that country, schedules an appointment with the minister of commerce, who has the authority to determine which foreign companies get licenses, and pays him $200 to approve their license. which payment(s) likely violated the foreign corrupt practices act?

Respuesta :


The payment made by Cordelia


In the scenario it stated clearly that Rupert filled out what would have been a normal application form for operational license in the country

However Cordelia using connections was able to schedule a meeting with the government official that has the authority to determine which foreign companies get licenses, and pays him $200 to approve their license.

Cordelia payment is nothing short of bribery and corruption because it is not a legally required payment and the motive was clearly to unduly influence the minister to approve their license.

Such payment will likely violate the foreign corrupt practices act


The paymeng by Cordelia


The first payment made by Rupert is a normal payment of $100?made by any foreign company to process the paperwork as is the customin that country.

The second payment paid by Cordelia comes as a result of the connections Cordelia has in that country with the minister of commerce, who has the authority to determine which foreign companies get heir license. This payment of $200 violares the foreign corrupt practices act, the reason being is that it is bribery and corruption, it is not a legal payment and by right should not be tolerated.