One of the things that Lin has learned by watching her mentor is that not all papers are accepted for publication immediately. In fact, Lin has seen that some of her mentor's articles are accepted for publication on the first try, some must go through a difficult "revise and resubmit" procedure before being accepted and some receive an outright rejection from a particular journal. However, what Lin has also seen is that even if her mentor's articles are not accepted on the first try, her mentor persists until the paper is eventually accepted- at the first journal tried or another journal.

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HomeSocial SciencePsychologyPersonality Psychology

Personality Psych 4










Behaviorism (or behaviorist approach)

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Learning: the change of behavior as a function of experience. Stimuli that occur close together in time will come to elicit the same response. Behaviors followed by pleasant outcomes are more likely to be repeated. Behaviors followed by unpleasant outcomes are less likely to be repeated. Explain personality in terms of learning principles.

Thinking about how our behaviors, what we do, is altered and changed based on experiences in life. When things happen close together we link them. If you do a certain behavior and followed by pleasant outcomes more likely to keep doing it ex: go to work get paid so keep going to work. And vice versa ex: put hand on stove hurt so don't do it again. Behaviorism has taught us how to behave and influences our personality. Learned over time to be that way

Behaviorism: study of how a person's behavior is a direct result of his/her environment, particularly the rewards and punishments in the environment. Belief that the causes of behavior can be directly observed because they are in the environment - rewards and punishments in the social world.

Functional analysis: the goal of behaviorism is to determine how behavior is a function of one's environment - situationism.

Rewards and punishments teach us lessons on how to behave. Be able to look and observe what's doing stuff to you. What is teaching you this. Study things from the outside.

Functional analysis is a goal of behaviorism. Person situationism debate. Situations is molding you, environment is rewarding or punishing you. Situation more powerful than just who you are.

Empiricism is the foundation of behaviorism

Behiviorists believe that all knowledge worth having comes from direct, public observation. Private introspection, of the sort practiced by Wundt, is invalid because nobody can verify it. Attempting to tap other people's thoughts, via psychoanalysis for example, is similarly suspect. The whole idea of theorizing about something we can't see - any entity within the mind - is a dubious business at best. The only valid way to know about somebody is to watch what he does - the person's behavior.

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Idea that all knowledge comes from experience. Experience is the direct product of reality - reality determines personality, the structure of the mind, and behavior. In opposition to rationalism - the idea that the mind determines our experiences of reality. Implies that at birth the mind is essentially empty - John Locke: tabula rasa, or blank slate. Not born with, comes from experience. Blank slate when we are born. Mind is developed over time. Based on environment. World around us influences our personality. Mind determines experiences.

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