The propaganda poster Year of the Proletarian Dictatorship was created by the Russian artist Aleksandr Apsit. It illustrates some of the goals of the Communists after the Russian Revolution. Based on the poster, what were two major goals of the Communists at this time?

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In 1900 to 1910, this artist was the one who works for several petersburg magazines in the public sector and in the schemes that represent the Russian revolution, which is what I read about the experience in order to continue giving political policies after the revolution.

The contributions that were made at the time of the Russian revolution were based on:

As a first plan, a peasant with a red band and the herd and a shepherd with a hammer bearing the emblems of overthrown capitalism.

In the background of their work, the guardians are seen in front of a field with simple banded farm workers, like an industrialized city and a rising sun. Alexander Apsit symbols the hammer, man and star on his posters, the symbols of the Soviet communist era.


He is considered the founder of Soviet poster art.

Nowadays, when viewing his works, he is taken as an artist who not only reflected the politics of the moment but also transmitted many political movements, thoughts and freedom of expression that are the reasons why his art caused the most impact.