Respuesta :


In this situation, there are several ways you can adjust your work. A few is highlighted below.

1. Adjust front size: depending on the program you're using for your design, I this case which I assume is a word document, u may slightly reduce the font size of either the headings, the bold texts or the entire text on the poster. This should ensure the texts fit to one page and the font size is not too small for legibility.

2. Adjust page layout: at the top and sides of the paper, you can slightly adjust the width and height of the paper to be wider and/or higher; to make all text fit into a page.


Answer and explanation:

While using text entry software, users have many options to give format to their documents. In case of creating posters, users have to be very careful with the size and formats of the images included because after adding different images they may all not fit as expected. Even worse when the images also have texts.

If there is no space for all the information included in the poster on one page or if the texts move onto a second page, the easiest form to make everything fit is reducing the page margins. By making the margins more narrow the users are freeing up space on the page that was restricted unnecessarily.