Respuesta :



In many ClI.St~, sheared edges are su jeered 10

subsequent fanning op 'rations, such as bend-

ing, stretching, and stretch flanging . A st ated

in Section 7.3 starting on p. 351. rough f:'fl.<r '.S

will act as stress raisers md cold-worked edges may not have sulfi-

cient ductility to undergo sev re tensile strains

developed during th e subsequent opera ions.


Please, the explanation section details the answer.


In most cases, if the mineral with the sheared edge gets into the formation operation in a way that the sheared edge could work to increase the tension, while if the sheared edge is smooth, which it has ductility. In this way, the stress on cold edge working or smooth shearing have a low value during the forming operation. To conclude, the rough shear edge increases the stress when working, causing a possible failure on the object, leading to a decrease in the useful life of the final object.