Mendel formulated the law of independent assortment to explain the basic rules of inheritance based on his experiments with pea plants. With the modern understanding of chromosomes, alleles, and the process of gamete formation, what is the physical basis for the Law of Independent Assortment?

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Answer: Alleles on non homologous chromosomes separate randomly into gametes during meiosis

Explanation: Principle of Independent Assortment explain how different gene separate from each other during reproduction cell development. The first study of Gregor Mendel was about pea plant in 1865,during his observation,he observed that during performing (dihybrid crosses) which are crosses between organisms that differ with regard to two traits,he observe that the combination of the trait dose not always match with his parental organism. Through the collection of data he formulated the Principle of Independent Assortment.

independent assortment occurs during meiosis in eukaryotes. Meiosis is cell division that reduces parent cell chromosomes by half,to produce four reproductive cells called gametes.

Another characteristics of independent assortment is recombination. Recombination occurs through meiosis,that breaks and recombines pieces of DNA to produce genes.


The physical basis for this is in  the meiotic cell division at Metaphase 1, where homologous chromosomes lie at the equator of the spindles alternating one another.This alternating  arrangement  forms a bivalent with the homologous chromosomes  sorted out  into different  gametes independent of one another.


The law of  independent assortment of genes states that in the inheritance of allele of two different genes, each allele of the gene is inherited independent of one another.Thus the allele  that is randomly seeded into a gamete does not affect the allele seeded into another gametes.

The physical basis for this is in  the meiotic cell division at Metaphase 1, where homologous chromosomes lie at the equator alternating one another, This alternating  arrangement  forms a bivalent ,with the homologous chromosomes  sorted out  into different  gametes independent of one another.

Thus the chromosomes inherited by gametes A, does influence the chromosomes inherited by gametes B