Respuesta :
1) Prima
2) tía
3) nuera
4) bisabuelo
5) suegros
6) tío abuelo
7) tíos
8) primos
9) sobrino-cuñada
10) hermanastra
The correct word to fill the blank, taking into account each description, is:
- La hija de mi tía es mi prima.
- La tía de mi hermana es mi tía.
- La esposa de mi hijo es mi nuera.
- El padre de mi abuelo es mi bisabuelo.
- Los padres de mi esposa son mis suegros.
- El hermano de mi abuelo es mi tío abuelo.
- El esposo de mi prima es el yerno de mis tíos.
- Los hijos del hermano de mi madre son mis primos.
- El hijo de mi hermano es mi sobrino y la esposa de mi hermano es mi cuñada.
- La hija de mi padre y mi madrastra es mi hermanastra.
- My aunt's daughter is my cousin.
- My sister's aunt is my aunt.
- My son's wife is my daughter-in-law.
- My grandfather's father is my great-grandfather.
- My wife's parents are my in-laws.
- My grandfather's brother is my great-uncle.
- My cousin's husband is the son-in-law of my uncles.
- The children of my mother's brother are my cousins.
- My brother's son is my nephew and my brother's wife is my sister-in-law.
- The daughter of my father and my stepmother is my stepsister.
Family ties.
In the exercise, reference is made to the family ties that a person may have, among which those of consanguinity and affinity are usually mentioned, regularly from the first to the fourth degree.
In the first degree there are: mother, father, son, daughter, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law and daughter-in-law, in the second degree there are: brother, sister, grandson, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, brother-in-law and sister-in-law.
In third degree there are find uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, great-grandfather, great-grandmother, great-grandson, great-granddaughter, and finally in fourth degree are: cousin, cousin, great-uncle, great-aunt.
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