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Answer: either:
• The 12th amendment was passed which made sure electors cast one of their votes for president and the other for VP
• Electors met at Electoral Colleges to cast their votes
The only constitutional change that resulted from the election of 1800 was the twelfth amendment requiring separate electoral votes for president and vice president.
Thomas Jefferson eventually won in 1800 after 36 votes in the House of Representatives, which forever changed how presidential elections were held. This election exposed the weaknesses of Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, which instructed how the president was to be elected. After the 1800 election, these weaknesses were addressed by the adoption of the 12th Amendment. This pivotal election also saw the advent of the two-party political system.
Electoral System
During the 1787 Constitutional Convention, a dispute arose over how the president was to be elected. Some wanted Congress to elect the executive, some wanted the president chosen by state legislatures, and yet others wanted the president elected by popular vote. As a compromise, it was established that the president would be chosen by electors equal to a state’s congressional representatives. Initially, the choosing of electors and how they would vote was left up to the state legislatures. In the modern era, the electors from each state, except Maine and Nebraska, vote for the candidate popularly chosen by a state’s voters. Electors from Maine and Nebraska cast representational votes based upon the proportion of votes for each candidate.
Thomas Jefferson eventually won in 1800 after 36 votes in the House of Representatives, which forever changed how presidential elections were held. This election exposed the weaknesses of Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, which instructed how the president was to be elected. After the 1800 election, these weaknesses were addressed by the adoption of the 12th Amendment. This pivotal election also saw the advent of the two-party political system.
Article II
Until 1804, Article II of the Constitution established how the president was elected. It stated that each state legislature must appoint the representative number of electors and govern the voting process. During an election, these electors must meet and each vote for two persons as president. The person receiving the majority of electoral votes is chosen as president and the second most as vice-president. If more than one candidate has a majority or there is a tie, then the vote goes to the House of Representatives. The turmoil of the election of 1800 made it necessary to alter Article II with the adoption of the 12th Amendment in 1804.
Thomas Jefferson eventually won in 1800 after 36 votes in the House of Representatives, which forever changed how presidential elections were held. This election exposed the weaknesses of Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, which instructed how the president was to be elected. After the 1800 election, these weaknesses were addressed by the adoption of the 12th Amendment. This pivotal election also saw the advent of the two-party political system.
Election of 1800
The election of 1800 saw a repeat of the candidates from the 1796 election. The incumbent, John Adams, and his running mate, Charles Pinckney, represented the Federalists; while Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr ran as Anti-Federalists, or Republicans. When the electors met on December 3rd to cast their votes, it was clear that Jefferson and Burr had won. However, because each elector voted for two candidates, Jefferson and Burr ended up tied with 73 votes each. Adams had 65 votes, and Pinckney had 64. However, the tie between Jefferson and Burr meant the election had to go to the House of Representatives. Even though it was commonly acknowledged that Jefferson was meant to be president and Burr his vice-president, the Federalists saw this as a chance to try to keep Jefferson from winning. After five days and 35 votes, the House finally elected Jefferson on the 36th ballot.