Respuesta :
I'm not sure how much this answer will help you, but i'll try my best....
3-4 year-olds
play simple board games like 'Snakes and Ladders" with your child, or simple card games like 'Go Fish.
5 year-olds
At the age of five, they should begin to understand the difference between right and wrong. Thy should be matching spoken and written words. They should be able to retell simple stories and ask questions about books.
6 year-olds
At this time, they should understand the concept of numbers. A good activity would be telling time.
7 year-olds
Kids at this age will display a formidable sense of adventure and thirst for information and will love being mentors to younger siblings and other children as they show off their newfound knowledge and skills. Their math and reading skills are steadily expanding too, as is their ability to recognize words and do simple word problems. They should be able to master addition and subtraction at this age.
hope this helps at least a bit...