Respuesta :
Answer:Ocean Currents
* Water in the Gulf Stream travels along the Equator and is heated as it goes.
* The Gulf Stream brings warm water north along the Atlantic coast of the United States and then across the northern Atlantic to the British Isles.
* A tremendous amount of energy is transferred from the equatorial regions to the polar regions by ocean currents
The differences observed is as a result of the movement of ocean water otherwise known as Ocean Currents across the globe Ocean currents accounts for and moderate the different climates across the globe.
The equator which (latitude 0 degrees) is relatively warmer than the poles which are 90 degrees north and south.
1) Water from the Gulf stream gets heated as it passes through the equator towards as the poles. Air that passes over this body of heated water picks up a lot of moisture as it travels The heated air (moisture) cools down and condenses as it travels northwards towards England. The condensation of the moisture as it travels over England accounts for the rains in England.
2) Canada on the other hand, receives its own condensed moisture as snow instead of rain despite being on the same latitude because the warm water from the Gulf stream passes over the Atlantic ocean into north america which is more polar and cooler than the equator.
3) If ocean water didn't move across the earth, then the earth would not be habitable for living organisms. There would not be circulation of oxygen, which is a crucial element for life on earth. If oxygen isn't present, plant and animal life as we know it will cease to exist