A student is given an antacid tablet that weighed 5.6832 g The tablet was crushed and 4.3628 g of t he antacid was added to 200 mL of simulated stomach acid. This was allowed to react and then filtered. It was found that 25.00 mL of this partially neutralized stomach acid required 8.50 mLof a NaOH solution to titrate it to a methyl red endpoinL It took 21.54 mL. of this NaOH solution to neutralize 25.00 ml. of the original stomach acid.

a. How much of the "stomach acid" had been neutralized in the 25.00 mL sample which was titrated? (Show work.)

b. How much stomach acid was neutralized by the 4.J628 g sample used? (Show work.)

c. How much stomach acid would have been neutralized by the original 5.6832