You are a sales manager for a luxury automobile dealership where you have been employed since graduating from college. Your neighbor, who teaches a community college course on marketing, has asked you to make a presentation to his or her class as a guest speaker. After your lively presentation, you ask the students what they think is the main focus of personal selling. Which of the student answers below demonstrates an understanding of the goals of this promotional tool relative to others?
a. Building relationships with customers that encourage them to come back.b. Making a profit for the company.c. Providing entry-level jobs to college graduates who will move on to other marketing jobs.d. Being the face of the company's brand.

Respuesta :

Answer: Option A


Personal selling means meeting the customer face to face to sell them the product of the company. It is significant to have interactions with the buyers in order to create good customer relationships. When better customer relationships are concentrated on then the customers can be easily satisfied.

It also makes the customer to visit the store once again and helps them in making purchase decisions. In automobile dealer store the customers do not make purchase decisions immediately they check out the features of the products and then later make the decision. With personal selling the customers remember the brand name when good customer relationship is built.