In the 1960s through 1980s, a medical filter manufacturer in Ann Arbor discharged 1,4-dioxane (an industrial solvent) directly into the environment, where it ultimately leached into underlying groundwater aquifers. A plume of 1,4-dioxane has been spreading under Ann Arbor and could pose water quality risks if it reaches Barton Pond, which supplies 85% of the city's drinking water. a) Barton Pond contains 1.5 billion gallons (5.68 million m3) of water and initially contains no 1,4-dioxane. Assume the pond is perfectly mixed with one stream flowing in and out at a rate of 1 m3/s. Suppose the plume enters the pond at a rate of 0.1 m3/s and contains 50 mg/L of 1,4-dioxane, which has a first-order decay constant of 6.4*105 s1. What is the steady-state concentration of 1,4-dioxane in the pond? b) Local water authorities find a way to divert the plume such that 1,4-dioxane is no longer entering the pond. How long will it take for the 14-dioxane concentration in the pond to reach the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality's new allowable drinking water level of 7.2 ug/L? c) The EPA classifies 1,4-dioxane as a probable carcinogen with a potency factor of 0.011 (mg/kg/d)1. If the water contains the EPA's allowable limit of 7.2 μg/L of 1,4-dioxane, calculate the carcinogenic risk based on the default EPA exposure factors over a lifetime for ingestion of potable water in an average adult. Is the water safe to drink based on the "rule of thumb" discussed in class?

Respuesta :


Based on the rule of thumb water is both safe and unsafe to drink it depends on the state, form, purity and other conditions the water was kept before consumption. I hope this will be helpful. #stay safe#


Refer below.


According to the rule of thumb water is safe to drink if its under all precautions and all safety measures otherwise one have to look before drink if its not under all precautions.