"As you examine the specimens (slides, whole specimens, etc.) in lab, determine where each species belongs on the phylogenetic tree based on the traits provided. List 5 additional traits you can add to the phylogeny. "

Respuesta :

Phylogenetic tree based on the traits is given below.


  • Phylogenetic trees represent hypotheses about the evolutionary relationships among a group of organisms.
  • A phylogenetic tree may be built using morphological (body shape), biochemical, behavioral, or molecular features of species or other groups.
  • In building a tree, we organize species into nested groups based on shared derived traits (traits different from those of the group's ancestor).
  • The sequences of genes or proteins can be compared among species and used to build phylogenetic trees. Closely related species typically have few sequence differences, while less related species tend to Derived traits that aren't shared don't help us build a tree, but we can still place them on the tree in their most likely location. For feathers, this is on the lineage leading to the bald eagle (after divergence from the alligator). For fur, this is on the antelope lineage, after its divergence from the alligator and bald eagle.have more.

Additional traits

  • In our example, a fuzzy tail, big ears, and whiskers are derived traits, while a skinny tail, small ears, and lack of whiskers are ancestral traits.
  • Trait may appear through either loss or gain of a feature. For instance, if there were another change on the E lineage that resulted in loss of a tail, taillessness would be considered a derived trait.
  • we can start building our tree by grouping organisms according to their shared derived features. A good place to start is by looking for the derived trait that is shared between the largest number of organisms.