What social media tools do you use and why? How do you use social media to support your personal brand? Is there one social media method you prefer over another and why? Include specific examples and screen shots of your social media sites if appropriate.

Respuesta :


Currently I am using Gail and Facbook. Gmil is a mailing portal by which one can connect to other related members, similarly faebook is a social network site under which one can connect with other members as well as share their thoughts and views on certain topics all over the world. Gail is used more for formal purposes while Faebook is used for informal networking.

I use social media to support my juice brand by making advertisements and posting it on my Faebook account thorough which i can easily connect to all my Faebook connected friends to make them aware. I use Gail for sending them more information about the product.

I can also use various specific online sights such as titter etc for promotional purposes as they too gave a very high customer base all over the globe.