
El Niño is a well-known weather phenomenon. In Ecuador and Peru, fisherman knew about the phenomena long before it was well known because their fishing would be very poor during El Niño conditions. Normally Peru and Ecuador have a remarkable fishery because there is a prominent upwelling along the coast producing planktonic blooms that feed the entire ecosystem. This upwelling is driven by surface wind conditions. From your knowledge of currents and wind conditions, which of the following happens during El Niño conditions in this area?

Respuesta :


Warm water results in plank-tonic blooms and diversity of fish life.


  • The El Nino is a warming phase that is seen as Southerner oscillation system and is associated with a band of waters that develops in the central and the east-central equatorial pacific
  • This cycle of the warms and cold sea surface temperatures in tropics and the eastern pacific and accompanied by the high pressure in the western pacific.
  • Due to the warming up of the large pool of warm water are found near the southern America which fisherman calls as newborn Christ and is beneficial for the growth and harvesting fish population.