clear all;
disp('Creating the cell arr of required values')
arr = { 'Alejandro', 11, {3 5 7 9}, {0 0}, 'UCSD2016';...
{8 6 4 2 0 -2}, pi, 'Stephanie', {1 0}, {'(858) 273-0173'} }
disp('First row second column')
exp1 = arr(1 : 2, 2)
disp('Third element of 2nd row 1st column')
exp2 = arr{2, 1}(1,3)
disp('Deleting last 2 elements of 1st row 2nd column')
arr{1, 3}(3:4) = []
disp('log of 2nd row 2nd column')
arr{2, 2} = log(arr{2, 2})
disp('Swapping 1st row 1st column with 2nd row 3rd column')
temp = arr{2, 3};
arr{2, 3} = arr{1, 1}
arr{1, 1} = temp
disp('Deleting 2nd row 1st column elements')
arr{2, 1}(1:6)=[]
disp('Deleting third column')
arr(:,3) = []