Respuesta :
The answer is explained below.
1. Jimmy is Katie Annie's little brother.
2. William Gibson is the author of the Miracle Worker.
3. Annie Sullivan is the twenty-year-old "miracle worker."
4. Hellen Keller was six-year-old blind girl.
5. w-a-t-e-r was the first word Annie spelled for Helen.
6. Hellen's mother was Cate.
7. d-o-l-l was the word that finally helped Helen connect spelling and meaning.
1. twenty-year-old "miracle worker" = Annie Sullivan.
2. six-year-old blind girl = six-year-old blind girl.
3. author of The Miracle Worker = William Gibson.
4. first word Annie spelled for Helen = d-o-l-l.
5. word that finally helped Helen connect spelling and meaning = w-a-t-e-r.
6. Annie's little brother = Jimmy.
7. Helen's mother = Katie.
don't worry boo! it's 100% accurate and it's guaranteed! (and plus boo, i've read the miracle worker Act myself hmp :p)