An orange-juice processing plant receives a truckload of oranges. The quality control team randomly chooses three pails of oranges, each containing 50 oranges, from the truckload. Identiff the sample and the population in the given scenario. State one conclusion that the quality control team could make about the population if 5% of the sample was found to be unsatisfactory.

Respuesta :

The first part is to identify the sample and the population in the given scenario:

The sample would come being 3 pails of oranges and the population is the  truckload, that is 50 oranges.

Now to draw a conclusion from "the population if 5% of the sample was found to be unsatisfactory"

Numerically, we can say that a small part of the population is that they are unsatisfactory and, furthermore, we can say that the vast majority (95%) are satisfactory.