Nelson Mandela I am prepared to Die, any info on that reading? Have to do a 3 page any info given would be helpful!

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The ANC, together with the Pan Africanist Congress, were banned in 1960. The press was banned from quoting members of these organisations or showing pictures of them.

Mandela made his speech in 1964 during the Rivonia Trial.I guess the "global audience" had access to the speech, but ordinary people on the streets in South Africa did not. There was no internet at the time, so unless you traveled overseas, only a select few would have known the contents of the speech. once someone remarked about Mandela."For all we know he already walks the streets of the country, and we don't know it. Later events proved that he was 100% correct!In fact, we only knew what the man looked like after the lifting of the ban in 1990


I think Nelson Mandela's "1 Am Prepared to Die" speech was so powerful because it showed the world selflessness above anything else. Nelson Mandela, my hero, was prepared to die for the cause he believed in even though he was already staring death in the face. He knew that he was fighting to revolutionize life in South Africa and he needed to show the people and the world that this was a cause worth fighting for; that this was their duty to their children and grandchildren, to rid South Africa of Apartheid. Right then in that court room, it might not have been viewed as a powerful "statement" but immediately became of global importance when people across the world began taking to the streets for change. They saw Gandhi, they remembered Du Bois, they recalled Parks and they were captivated to push for change. We remember Late Nelson Mandela for that sentence today and for the impact he had in each and every one of our lives. Hope this was helpful.