Think about your plans to go to college, even if you have never considered it before. What plan would you develop to help pay for college? Explain your plan using vocabulary terms from this lesson.

Respuesta :


As an student who is expecting to go for the college, paying the fees will be the most challenging aspect and financing the required funds will be difficult too.

However, there are two main ways that can be identified as to how the financing can be done.

  1. Obtain a low interest student loan that defers the payment until you finish college
  2. Find a part time job that will enable you to earn a reasonable amount to afford your living and to pay for the tuition.



I would develop a savings plan with my parents. Then I would research what scholarships and grants were available. I would wait until I was ready to attend college before filling out the FAFSA. Finally, I would review the results from the FAFSA and determine the best financial aid options.
