“The economic decline [of Kush] may have been hastened by overgrazing of the land and by the progressive desiccation of the Butana. But the most serious threat came from Axum, a kingdom that rose to power in the highlands of Ethiopia to the southeast. . . . Axum challenged Kush’s monopoly of trade in the African interior. The two inevitably clashed, and Axumites, on the offensive, carried the battles into the Butana. But by the time the Axumite king Aezanas marched into Kush around A.D. 350, its monarchy apparently no longer existed. A detailed Axumite inscription makes no mention of the Meroites, but does refer to the Noba, a people who were known to have harrassed the Meroites from the west bank of the Nile. So the final downfall of the Kingdom of Kush is veiled in almost complete darkness.” —William Y. Adams, archaeologist, as quoted in Splendors of the Past: Lost Cities of the Ancient World The causes of the final downfall of Kush are a. well known. c. mysterious. b. detailed. d. unusual.

Respuesta :

The causes of the final downfall of Kush are c. mysterious.


Kush was an ancient kingdom that was a great dominion in the region of Upper Ethiopia and it was trading across its borders into a lot of Africa when it fell into decline and became a ruin.

It is not entirely known what happened to it and the paragraph given here gives the picture of the civilization as it was in its end.

It was unsure of its place and was to be invaded but it still was found ruined without any war being waged so it had to be abandoned. But there is not reason why that happened that is known.


The causes of the final downfall of Kush are c. mysterious.
