Respuesta :

A. The author doesn’t know the true reasoning behind altruism but thinks it’s an  important part of life nonetheless.

B. The author believes that it’s more likely that people are motivated by their own  selfishness rather than selflessness.

C. The author doesn’t support psychologists’ pessimistic views on altruism and  thinks that people are in fact capable of true altruism.

D. The author believes that the social explanations for altruism are the most likely,  rather the biological or neurological explanations.

The author doesn’t know the true reasoning behind altruism but thinks it’s an  important part of life nonetheless.

Answer: Option A.


Altruism is the principle which is concerned with the happiness, with the betterment and the welfare of the other people. It is also considered as the concern for the animals also along with the concern for the other human beings.

In this passage, the author does not exactly know what the actual meaning of altruism is but he knows that this fact and principle is very important for living life.