Although the process of DNA testing provides promising results in the forensic department, it still has certain limitations. Some of the problems with DNA testing are:
1) It takes a lot of time to process a single piece of DNA. Along with time, this process is also very expensive.
2) Some critics consider DNA as a violation of ethics. This is because not all of the suspects are culprits. And the blood of all of the suspects is taken to determine a single culprit. Some people consider it unethical for taking the blood of the suspects as humanism is against it.
3) Some countries are working on making DNA databanks, where they will be able to simply compare the sample taken from a crime scene with the DNA databank. In this way, they will easily be able to identify the culprit. This process is again considered to be unethical besides the large amount of money that will be used to create such a large databank.