Which of the following was NOT a cause Sf the Great Depression in the
late 1920's? *
A) Too many Americans were buying on credit and not paying loans back
B) Many investors put too much trust in the Stock Market that stock prices would
never fall
C) Farmers had a surplus of food and banks ran out of money to loan citizens
D) Presidential corruption and bribes made to citizens took all of the money out of the

Respuesta :

Presidential corruption and bribes made to citizens took all of the money out of the economy was not a cause Sf the Great Depression in the late 1920's.

Option: D


Great depression was caused in the late 1920s to early 1930s. There were all total four major causes of great depression or economic recession. These are bank failure caused due to the not paying of credited loans back on time and taking unlimited credit at a time.

Secondly, crash in stock market in 1929. Many investors put too much trust in the stock market and faced severe fall in the price of stocks. Thirdly, overproduction led to the loss. Farmers had a huge surplus of food. These are the main causes of great depression.