Respuesta :


impactful, impressive. real, sad and unimaginable


Here´s Ten I would Love a Brainlest too please



emotionally purging

It was cathartic for Anne Frank to write in her diary. It was a way for her to process through her experience.

A cathartic experience is an emotional release. Talking about your problems with someone who cares about you can be cathartic. Processing through your ideas in a diary can be cathartic.


characterized by exceptionally early development

Anne Frank was a precocious child; she was very smart and seemed to understand human emotion at a young age.

A child who is precocious is very smart for his age. Precocious children make smart observations and think about things more intellengently than one would expect at a young age. Precocious children like to go to museums and think about what they see there.


showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others

Meip Geis was altruistic. She sheltered the Franks because it was the right thing to do--she could have been arrested herself.

Altruistic do good because it's just an instinct inside them. They naturally want to help people.


marked by concern with the alleviation of suffering

Humane means to act in a good and just way.


reflecting a lack of pity or compassion

Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime was inhumane. They arrested and put to death nearly 6 million people in a very gruesome way.

An inhumane act goes against all that is civil and just. It is cruel treatment.


the quality of being honest and straightforward

Anne Frank writes with candor about her feelings regarding her mother. She did not feel close to her mother.

Candor means to be frank and straightforward with your feelings and ideas. Candor is an honesty.


preoccupied with unimportant matters in a spiteful way

The families who were hiding began to snap at each other over petty issues.

People who are petty are affected by small things in other people. Petty actions are small-minded and childish. If your parent took your iPod and broke it to punish you for being late, that would be a petty action.

come of age

reach a certain age that marks a transition to maturity

"The Diary of Anne Frank" is a coming-of-age story about a young girl growing up in hiding.

"Coming-of-age" is a type of story or experience where someone grows and matures in a noticable way. When a young character experiences the death of a parent and we see how that makes them become the person that they are, it is a "coming-of-age story."


feeling or manifesting profound respect or awe

We should be reverential about Anne Frank's story. It is a tragic and true story of a dark chapter in world history.

A reverential attitude toward things means that you show the highest respect for something. When I go to a funeral I act reverential toward the casket and the family of the loved ones. I show reverence for the ritual.


the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong

Anne Frank's innocence was shattered when her family was forced to go into hiding. She had to grow up quickly.