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Poison Dart Frogs

My favorite rainforest animal is called the Blue jeans Poison Dart Frog, or the Strawberry Dart Frog.  Its scientific name is the Oophaga pumilio. It’s a common species in the rainforest and its diet is carnivore, which means it eats meat and not plants.


When Blue jeans Poison Dart Frogs are adults, they are usually between 0.75 and one inch long in size. These species are estimated to have from 15-30 color morphs-which is a lot! The most common in Costa Rica are reddish-orange with black spots all over. Those frogs are mostly called strawberry dart frogs, because of their distinct markings. Frogs that have a body color of bright red and also have blue markings on their toes and legs, are referred to as blue jeans poison dart frogs. There is also a species called the green jeans frog which is similar, but has “green jeans” (coloration on its legs that is green) instead of blue ones.

Moving back to the topic, blue jeans poison dart frogs are one of the most studied and photographed amphibians, due in large part to its diurnal habits, large population, amazing and vivid colors, and reproductive biology. The frog’s scientific name was actually changed from Dendrobates pumilio, to Oophaga pumilio, after a study revealed some interesting parenting patterns in the frogs, including the fact that the tadpoles’ diet consisted purely of unfertilized eggs from their mother. (Obligatory oophagy means the young can only feed on eggs of the same species.)

Where They Are Seen

Blue Jeans Poison Dart Frogs are often seen on the forest floor, where they move with robot-like movements, tiny hops, and dramatic walking motions to approach their prey. The species is poisonous, but only when orally ingested or when its skin oils are rubbed on an open wound of the prey. Poison dart frogs, also known as poison arrow frogs, got their nickname from the ancient practice of rubbing frog toxins on arrows and blow-darts to kill animals.


Where do Blue Jeans Poison dart Frogs thrive? They are an inhabitant to most of Central America, and are common in Costa Rica’s Central Valley and Carribean Slope. They are mostly located down near the rainforest’s floor. If you want good chances at spotting this colorful frog, head to Puerto Viejo, Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, or Tortuguero. This amphibian is usually found hunting for the ants and mites that make up 90% of its diet. Male dart frogs are also very territorial of their mate.


Mating actually occurs year-round and happens when a female approaches a singing, male. The male leads the female to a safe breeding area, usually underneath the leaves. The frogs will face away from each other during mating, which usually lasts from 10 minutes to up to three hours. Clutch sizes range from three to five eggs, and females can lay up to one clutch per week. Which is a lot compared to humans. Tadpoles metamorphose into froglets within 43-52 days. The froglets, which are approximately 0.4 inches and are a deep maroon color, keep growing over the next ten months until they are ready to mate.

Fun Facts

Surprisingly, Poison Dart Frogs are not endangered despite its popularity in international pet trade. That is due to the fact that it is poisonous, so its vivid colors tell predators to stay away, and that it has toxins. The frog has only a few potential predators, and birds have been observed to have attacked even the brightest color of specimen. Like all amphibians, Blue jeans Poison Dart Frogs are commonly thought to suffer from environmental effects much earlier than many other species. They are therefore considered an indicator species that alerts humans to environmental changes worldwide.

Universidad de Mexico