Respuesta :
It would be hard to find an European city that has a worse reputation than Bartovia’s, with crime, rubbish, graffiti and dereliction featuring in its every description over the last 60 years.
With unemployment running at 11%, the city government essentially bankrupt, and a population actually falling as young people leave in droves, there are few bright spots in Bartovia’s future.
One of the few, however, is a new venture run by Sergio Leone, a nano-chemist who has returned to the city of his birth to try to make the impossible a reality.
The corrected text, numbered for ease of reference, is indicated below:
- It would be hard to find a European city with a worse reputation than Bartovia, given that crime, rubbish, graffiti, and dereliction have featured in every description over the last 60 years.
- With unemployment running at 11%, the city government essentially bankrupt, and a population falling as young people leave in droves, there are few bright spots in Bartovia’s future.
- One of the few is that Sergio Leone, a nanochemist, has returned to the city of his birth to try and make an impossibility a reality by running a new venture.
Erroneous use of the article "an" was found and corrected in line one of sentence one. To use the indefinite articles of "a" and "an" correctly, you'd have to listen for whether the word following the articles sounds like a consonant or a vowel, regardless of whether or not it starts with a vowel or a consonant.
European is pronounced yr·uh·pee·uhn. Note that the first letter of the sound is a consonant. Hence, "an" cannot apply there. The best article to use is "a".
Further reconstruction was carried out on sentence 1 to improve readability. When creating compound sentences, clarity is crucial. Removing the possessive form of Bartovia by eliminating the "'s" and replacing "that has" helped to achieve that.
Still about sentence 2, if you read carefully, you'd find that the word "actually" is not relevant to improving the idea being passed across. Rather, its absence gives it more clarity.
Sentence 3 was completely reworked. "However" was removed and the passive voice which kept Sergio Leone in the "background" was resolved too. The sentence was reworked to show that he is the one bringing one of the few glimmers of hope to the city.