Respuesta :
Have a writing in French
Subject: imagine that a character is at his window.
I finish the first paragraph: you will describe what he sees (external narrator, and internal point of view)
I wrote this:
She couldn't go out because of the confinement. She sat down by her window, opened it. The view was familiar: a tree-lined garden and in places bouquets of flowers: here the yellow daffodils, farther from the multicolored primroses without counting the holly trees which also flowered. She said to herself that it was a chance to be able to look at a flowerbed. She enjoyed the birdsong, and she also enjoyed the light breeze that caressed her cheek. In the distance, mountains, pushing arrows of bare rock into the skies so high that one could believe that the very sky was pierced. She was looking under the mountains and she saw a river, a bright blue and optimistic. She observed the river (like a snake) to see the coiling of its muscular currents, catching the flicker of the waves which caught the sun like scales. She complained about people confined to an apartment with a roof view. She had done well to choose the campaign.
but I need help in my tenth paragraph:
In a second paragraph you will discuss what the character feels.
Do not forget
- Organize your description
- Use words that make it possible to locate in space
- Use various verbs of perception: distinguish, perceive,
contemplate, smell, get drunk
- Evoke with precision the different sensations that this landscape gives birth to
In you :
· Visual sensations: stretching, standing up, rising ...
Hearing sensations: whisper, calm down, amplify,
reflect, echo ...
Olfactory sensations: exhaling, spreading, diffusing…
la fille se sent triste d'être coincée à l'intérieur. Elle regarde les oiseaux qui tweetent, souhaitant pouvoir être comme eux libres. La rivière scintille et elle souhaite plonger; sentir l'eau fraîche. La fille se penche par la fenêtre le plus loin possible sans tomber. À l'extérieur des murs du jardin, elle voit des rues animées. Ils sont bondés à cause de la campagne. «Bien» pense-t-elle, j'ai bien fait quelque chose.
the girl feels sad that she is stuck inside. She watches the tweeting birds, wishing she could be llike them- free. The river sparkles and she wishes to dive in; feel the cool water. The girl leans out the window as far as she can without falling. Outside the garden walls she sees bustling streets. They are crowded because of the campaign. 'Good' she thinks, I have done something right.