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So it honestly depends if you're trying to get buff fast then make sure to eat 1 hour before your work out or after both ways work. Now working out hard your whole body unless you dont want your muscles to regenerate dont do it no more. Ive been working out for about a year now and the way that works best for me is working out certain body parts EX. triceps and chest then biceps and back then legs and calf's and work out those 3 sections and only that certain body part will be sore i recommend 2 hours since the best work out is a slow work out as your muscles have to work extra hard when doing the reps and it allows you to include more things in the work out maybe add rope as a cardio or simply biking. Basically frequency of doing that dont work out certain body parts intensity try medium as you want your muscles to be ready in 2 days after your work out. time the morning is the best time but the after noon is good as well you get really good sleep and type certain body parts type work out
not sure what you meant but regardless i hope this helps