Explore the topic of government and religion in the state of Virginia during the 1700s. Then write a half page essay to summarize the thoughts of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Patrick Henry. How did these views on the subject eventually lead to new laws.

Respuesta :


America was of course founded in 1776 what many people don't realize is what took place for that to happen. People came to this great new land in hope of freedom of Religion and free of the oppression that they were given in the rest of the world. The settlers that came from Europe wished to find places where they could worship God or their gods in peace. The government of the time was England the "father country" to America. Most of these settlers were christian and had developed other traditions from the original christian faith, The Roman Catholic Faith. Now regardless of religion the government of time was still under England's king. Many now thought of democracy and how it could help this great new land prosper. Still oppressed by England, Few but strong men ( and some women ) stood up to fight this oppressor for their God given right to have Freedom. The Leaders of these people were hunted like criminals until the end of the war. These People you have named were the leaders of this Great nation and the revolution that made it this way.
