The right answer is A. Liabilities increased by $1.0 million in 2018
During 2017 and 2018, we have the following information:
+ In 2017, there is $2 million wages earned but not yet paid, so, Wages payable at the end of 2017 should be amounted to $2 million.
+ In 2018, there is another $8 million wages earned. At the same period, there is $7 million wages paid which is distributed as followed: $2 million to clear all Wages payable in 2017 and the other $5 million to clear $5 million out of $8 million wages payable in 2018. So, the only wages liability outstanding at the end of 2018 is the amount of $3 million earned in 2018 but not yet paid ($8 million - $5 million).
=> Liabilities in 2018 increases $1.0 million in comparison with the year 2017 ( $3 million - $2 million).