How does the sun's energy travel to Earth?
How does energy travel?
What are electromagnetic waves?
What is infrared radiation?
What is visible light? Give an example.
How is ultraviolet radiation different from visible light?
How does the greenhouse effect trap heat?
Explain the process of energy moving through the atmosphere.
Why do temperatures differ between air, land, and water?
Does Earth heat evenly?
How does the uneven heating of Earth create global winds?
How is wind created?
What causes global winds?
How does the sun's energy affect global winds?
What is the Coriolis effect? Explain how this works.
What are doldrums? Give an example.
What are easterlies?
In your own words, explain how the prevailing westerlies work.
What is latitude?
What does latitude have to do with the prevailing westerlies?
What are jet streams? Why would a meteorologist talk about them?
Explain why sailors use trade winds to navigate trade routes