1. Reports on bugs, enhancement to the system
2. A technical solution may or may not solve his problem
3. Because users often dwell on the technical issues.
4. Wrong sequencing
5. Properly sequencing tasks to ensure they are completed in the right order
Users may identify bugs in the system that needs to be fixed or may identify the need for some enhancement to the system. These are the main sources of user's request.
A technical solution will solve his problem only if the problem is technical but not when it is a process, workflow or educational issue. Users tend to ignore this latter possibility and dwell mostly on technical. This is because they have the impression that all problems encountered while using the system is technical in nature.
The reason why the user is completing tasks in the wrong order is due to poor sequencing. Users must be able to accurately sequence their project tasks and schedule them appropriate. This will ensure that things are done in the right order.