Respuesta :


Coup d'etat is the use of force by the military or strong political group to oust or take over power from a leader in an existing government. It is a form of expected revolution by the group of people who are disgruntled with the government. The leaders of this small group do not have a laid down rules or constitution to govern with. They create the type of government they deem fit and force rules on the citizens. The legislative arm of government is excluded and the judiciary rule by dictates of the leaders who carry out the coup.

Election on the other hand is a process whereby every citizen of a country is entitled to perform his/her civic duty. That is, vote and be voted for in an organised process of choosing their preferred leader without any fear or favor. There are laid down rules for voters and contestants which is applicable to different countries. The voters (citizens of voting age) choose their leaders for a period of some years. Every individual either voting or contesting must abide with the constitution. It is also mandatory  for the chosen leader to abide and rule according to the constitution.
