Some members of this phylum keep their bodies clean through the use of pedicellaria
(pe-deh-sell-AIR-ee-uh). Its species have a system of interlocking calcium carbonate plates calledstereom. Many members of this phylum exhibit (*) pentaradial symmetry, and have tube feet calledpodia. Podia are found at the end of this phylum's main method of movement and respiration, the water-vascular system. Name this phylum of sea cucumbers and starfish, which has a Greek name that describe its members' spiny skin.

Respuesta :


Definitely is  ECHINODERMATA


Echinoderms are marine invertebrates characterized by radial symmetry, they are animals that have 5 or more arms. This phylum includes, among others species, sea urchins,  sea cucumbers, brittle stars, starfish, crinoids  and sand dollars


Phylum Echinodermata


Members of this phylum can be seen at the sea beds and inter tidal -zones. They  all  live in marine habitat, thus they are not found in any other aquatic or terrestrial habitat. Their circulatory system is made up of vascular system of water. This  provides mechanism for supply of nutrients, removal of wastes, for movements,and exchange of gases.

Their symmetry is radial, thus an imaginary longitudinal plane passing through the central body points  divides them to many parts.

They can not swim, their vascular system of water aided their locomotion.

Universidad de Mexico