The life of a plant alternates between haploid and diploid generations. From a fully matured diploid plant (2n) which is known as sporophytic generation a lot of spores which are haploid are produced by the process of meiosis. By the process of mitosis, these spores then develop into new multi-cellular plant which is also haploid just like spores (n), this phase of plant life cycle is known as gametophytic phase. This haploid plant is capable of producing gametes (n) which are also haploid. When two such gametes from the same or different plant fuse with each other a diploid cell is produced which is known as zygote (2n). This zygote subsequently divides and grows into a diploid plant which is a part of sporophytic generation. This is how the entire life cycle of various plants alternate between gametophytic and sporophytic phase.
This diploid plant then later again produces spores and the cycle of reproduction goes on in the same manner as described above.