What kind of inspiration bursts upon Tom Sawyer as he returns his “straitened means” to his pocket at the beginning of the excerpt? Refer to evidence in the text to explain your answer.​

Respuesta :

Answer: A magnificent and great inspiration came after he returned his "straitened means" to his pocket. An inspiration to get others to do the work for him while paying Tom for the pleasure of painting the fence.


As Tom was looking at his belongings and put them away he had an inspiration to get the work done but not by himself. He went to whitewash the fence for his aunt and did this as though he was painting a masterpiece as an famous artist would paint.

When the boys started coming up to Tom to make fun of him and tease him for working, Tom explained it wasn't work and he was enjoying whitewashing the fence and acted like he didn't need help. The other boys all ended up whitewashing the fence and paying Tom for the pleasure of doing it.

Tom ended up with a whole apple, a dead rat, a kite, and other things that only boys would love.