Respuesta :
Answer: Yes.
There are so many ways that one can overcome depression without using a therapist or taking medication. But, most likely, it will be impossible to do it by yourself.
Get a support group to talk to when you feel most down.
If vitamins are not considered medication, take vitamin B12.
Take walks outside. Get lots of sunlight.
Go pet a dog or some other animal that you love to spend time with.
Try using a light machine.
Write about your pain and your problems.
Make yourself get up and go to sleep at a regular schedule and take melatonin for a week.
Use essential oils. Peppermint and lavender are especially helpful.
Drink warm/hot tea, kombucha, and other healing liquids.
There are so many solutions to overcome depression, and medication/therapy does not have to be one of them!
If this is a struggle that you are having, I'm so sorry, and I hope you find help in some way soon! If there's anything I could possibly do, feel free to message me.
Yes maybe eat some cake fun Fetty is pretty good but chocolate is also a classic my favorite is red velvet with some cream cheese icing what ever you like