(a) U
(b) R
(c) R
(d) R
(e) U
(f) U
According to law of flotation, a floating body will displace the same amount of liquid as the volume of the body itself.
(a) The level of water remains unchanged because the the tackle box weight/volume remains unchanged whether it is on the surface or beneath the water.
(b) The floating balloon must have been holding part of the weight of the son because it is against gravity. Hence, the weight of the son will increase with the loss of the balloon. This will lead to more water volume being displaced and hence, a rise in the level of water in the pond.
(c) The anchor must have been holding some of the weight of the boat including those in the boat. When the anchor is lowered, more weight of the boat is released into the pond and more water volume is displaced. Hence, the water level in the pond rises.
(d) When the balloon is popped, the weight of the son increases because their is no upthrust force opposing his weight. Hence, more water is displaced and the level rises.
(e) When the fisherman lowered himself in water, he will still be displacing his own weight which remains unchanged. Hence the level of water also, remains unchanged.
(f) Since the volume of water is just been transferred from the pond to the man who happens to still be in the pond. The level of water remains unchanged.