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If I was Invisible

Being invisible would be an extraordinary ability that would come with an abundant amount of responsibility. It would be thrilling to have such a great power. I would savor the moments of invisibility by using it to the max. I would experience the world that people dream to take part in. I would travel on planes without people knowing I am there. I would go on life-changing trips where I don’t have to worry about expenses. I would want to go to monumental places such as the Eiffel Tower, the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal in India and so many more important places around the world. I would just have fun. I would relax on the beaches, go to the Bahamas, Hawaii, Costa Rica and go on cruises. Being invisible would definitely be an experience. I wouldn’t have to worry about money, school, taxes, finding a job, being judged by society. While people are worried about their future, I will just be going with the flow and having a healthy mindset on the journey. I would just have to worry about myself and my happiness. I would live my life to the fullest and try to participate in everything life has to offer. The positives of being invisible are amazing, but it also has its downfall.

I would not abuse my power of being invisible or take advantage of the world. I could rob banks, steal food, injure people, play cruel jokes on innocent people, but I would never do want to do that. I would just want to focus on me. The negative aspect of being invisible is that I would be all alone. I would be living a dream life, but no one to share it with. Being isolated could cause immense depression, but I would try to avoid that and just focus on the beauty of life. Some people like being alone. I honestly think experiencing life without a bunch of liability outweighs the cons. Especially the no stress or school part. I would make sure my family and friends are well taken care of.

I think being optimistic about being invisible is the best way to handle it. I would just want to be happy and not cause any problems. I would just be living my best life without having to worry about the little things. I would live in luxury and keep to myself. I would be able to do so many things I couldn’t do now and I would cherish moments like that. Being invisible would mean no money, no worries! I would have excitement rushing through my veins all the time, doing the craziest things. I would enjoy everything life gives me if I was invisible. I would vibe and thrive. I would want to help people in need in any way I could. I would have the most diverting life anyone has ever had. It would be a challenge but it would be a challenge I would be willing to accept.