Sarah, who is an excellent mechanic, said that in her opinion the used car John is considering is in good mechanical condition. However, it is clear that Sarah cannot be trusted to give an honest opinion, since when Emmett asked her opinion of his new haircut she lied and said she thought it looked good. Therefore, it is very likely that Sarah also lied in giving her opinion of the mechanical condition of that car. The argument is flawed by virtue of having committed which one of the following errors of reasoning?
A) It fails to offer any grounds for the attack it makes on the character of the person.
B) It confuses claims about the past with claims about the future.
C) It bases a sweeping claim on the evidence provided by an instance that is not clearly relevant.
D) It presents evidence in value-laden terms that presuppose the conclusion for which that evidence is being offered.
E) It wrongly assumes that because someone is a competent judge of one kind of thing, that person will be a competent judge of a very different kind of thing.